30 comments on “Alfred Burke 1918 – 2011

  1. Sorry to hear this, pickle. You’ve raved about Alfred for years, so I know you’re missing him. Maybe you could show me some of his work this weekend? Have a web-fluffle.

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Alfred Burke 1918 – 2011 « Lady Don't Fall Backwards -- Topsy.com

  3. Ah, such a shame.

    He was in my favourite ever episode of Tales of the Unexpected ‘The Flypaper’

    You can see it, and Alfred, on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV0Ai410TQY

    It was a short story by the English novelist Elizabeth Taylor and they made a great job of maintaining the spookiness it evokes.

    Might have to watch Children of the Damned again, he was great in that too.

  4. Yes he was a marvellous actor and a friend of some fifty years. He had a most remarkable voice, like a corncrake in hush puppies. Dear dear man.

  5. Sir;

    thank you for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. It’s my fond hope that Alfred knew just how much he meant to those of us who followed his work over the years. I’m so sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest condolences.

  6. Thank you for this wonderful and heartfelt tribute to the great Alfred Burke. I remember Public Eye so well during my teenage years in the early 70’s. My parents watched it with gusto. Alfred was surely one of the most underated actors ever to grace British television. Today, my parents are both deceased and I live in Canada.

    I’m a private investigaotr.

    Thanks for the memories, Alfred.

  7. Thank you Bill, for taking the time to comment. Really kind of you. I’m honoured and gratified that my few inadequate words have been picked up and read by so many good people. It’s a measure of the affection that the man inspired in others that so many of us are moved by his passing. Like you say, thanks for the memories, Alfred.

  8. Thank you for this lovely tribute to a wonderful actor. Frank Marker is a character who will never leave me. Strangely, I feel as though I’ve lost a friend.

    I’ve yet to see “The Man Who Said Sorry” – it sounds wonderful.

  9. I watched “The Man Who Said Sorry” again at the weekend. It’s still fantastic, and hasn’t lost any of its power. Not one iota. You’re in for a treat.

    • I’ve just finished watching it. Wow. Completely devastating, especially the closing moments. Burke firing on all cylinders – and I had no idea there used to be milk vending machines!

      What struck me particularly was just how detailed Burke’s performance as Marker is, e.g. the frustrated scratching of the head once he’s thrown Clemens out. When I was writing the Alfred Burke tribute on my blog yesterday, I found it really difficult to capture his physicality in words. He just had an ineffable… something!

    • A very nice obit to a very fine actor. The acting profession is a poorer place for the departure of this unpretentious man. Public Eye is without doubt his magnum opus, but many people have forgotten his other fine role as Major Richter, the good german, in the series Enemy at the Door.

      PS: Isn’t it damn shame all those early episodes, apart from two, have been wiped!

  10. Pingback: Alfred Burke as Frank Marker « Squeezegut Alley

  11. Hi, David.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. To my shame, I’ve never seen Enemy at the Door. Always meant to, but never got round it. Will get there one day. And I agree wholeheartedly about the loss of so much of the first three years. When what we have is so damn magical, the prospect of three more years of Frank Marker is tantalising…

  12. I thought you may like to know Network are releasing a few ‘found’ episodes from the wiped ABC series of Public Eye.

    • Hi, David.

      Thanks for posting! I did indeed know about the forthcoming ABC release. I’m utterly delighted, too. The more Alfred the better. It’s going to be great.

  13. You’re very welcome. I guess you also know Network are reissuing The Human Jungle and Tales of Edgar Wallace? Anyone remember them? The theme tunes were classics, very Shadows guitar based. I have a feeling the late great John Barry penned The Human Jungle theme.

  14. I was recently on the Internet and struck about the death of Alfred
    Burke.In 1964 I came to his family house in Barnes to look after his lovely kids as an au-pair from Yougoslavia, now CROATIA.Barbara will remember when I took Harriet to piano lessons leaving the door open and on return they both gave me a lesson of how to behave in a big city like London. I have had a very nice time living with them and it helped my personal growth. I very well remember his voice so distinctive: After you ! Thank you Barbara for the woolen plaid. Please accept my deepest condolences and greet the big ones.I live in Rijeka, but in summer go down to Dubrovnik and dry
    the figs. You are all invited to come when and where you choose, we shall manage somehow. Love Jane Ivovic (Kuselj)

    • I would love to see where this wonderful actor lived in Barnes? I watched him as a teenager and I”m really enjoying watching the re runs. Lucky you having met him …..

  15. Dear Jane,

    thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and post. Things like this make me proud to write this blog. I didn’t know Alfred personally I’m afraid. I’m just a passionate devotee of his work. However, I’m going to do my best to make sure this message gets seen by Barbara. I’m sure she’ll be delighted.

    Thanks again for commenting. I’m honoured.

  16. Couldn’t agree with you more!
    A wonderfully talented actor with so many gifted personalities so to speak.
    Am currently watching re-run episodes on Talking Pictures – Freeview 81 during most evenings of his portrayal of Marker.
    They bring back such great memories of a very versatile actor, and surely when life was full of intrigue and suspense. Thoroughly recommend!
    Such a well fitting tribute and gratefully received by many of his fans, he of course will not be forgotten.
    Incidentally, The programme on Talking Pictures has just started about Marker as I write! How intriguing is that!

  17. What a lovely tribute. I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
    I’m only 43 but after years of hearing about this great show and I, like Dianne, am currently watching the re-runs on freeview 81 and I’m genuinely blown away by the acting from Alfred Burke.. It seemed so natural to him.
    Underrated tv legend.

  18. Loved public eye as a youngster staying up late, watching the reruns I can appreciate now at an older time off life , it sends a tingle , hairs standing up . A wonderful actor.

  19. Happened across this post for this excellent actor, whose work I have known for years but which I am only now finally coming to appreciate, via his star turn in ITV’s Enemy at the Door (1978). Really fine work, subtle and complex and intelligent, and this was such a fine tribute to it. Thank you for writing this.

  20. A truly wonderful actor and I would imagin, a lovely man too. Even though I never met him I feel very sad he is no longer with us. I am happy to say Public Eye is on Talking Pictures this evening so we will be watcing this amazing actor later. Love you Alfred x

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